


Event passed -
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Time zone UTC+4
picto Natural Gas picto Oil Refining picto Petrochemicals + 7
picto Renewable Fuels & Bio-Based Chemicals Sulfur Recovery Sub-dewpointing Claus Tail Gas Treatment Catalysts Process Technologies Middle-East
picto Natural Gas picto Oil Refining + 8
picto Petrochemicals picto Renewable Fuels & Bio-Based Chemicals Sulfur Recovery Sub-dewpointing Claus Tail Gas Treatment Catalysts Process Technologies Middle-East
Meet us at Axens Booth n°25
15 minutes
SAMREF SRU Catalyst Management, Retrofit and Optimization Initiatives during the 2023 T/A,
co-presented with Khalid GHAZAL from SAMREF
Johann Le-Touze
Lead Technology Engineer, Technology & Technical Support Business Division Low Carbon Solutions and Gas