Axens Takover Bid on Heurtey Petrochem: Reopening of the Offer from January 16th to 27th, 2017
At the settlement date of the tender offer set on this day, Axens is holding, in concert with IFP Investissements a total of 4,144,659 shares and 4,219,159 voting rights of Heurtey Petrochem, representing 84.33% of the share capital and 83.55% of the voting rights[1].
Pursuant to the AMF General Regulations, the tender offer will be reopened from January 16th to 27th, 2017 (inclusive), at the same price (25 euros per share). This second round will offer shareholders who have not yet tendered their shares an opportunity to do so at this time.
The offer document related to the takeover bid on Heurtey Petrochem shares approved by the AMF on November 29th, 2016 (visa no. 16-557) and the document « Informations relatives aux caractéristiques notamment juridiques, financières et comptables » related to Axens are available on the websites of the AMF ( and of Axens (
[1]On the basis of a share capital of 4,914,725 shares representing 5,049,572 voting rights in accordance with article 223-11 paragraph 2 of the General Regulations of the AMF as at 31 December 2016, as published by Heurtey Petrochem.
Important information:
The present press release has been drafted for information purposes only. It is highly recommended that investors and shareholders based in France go through the documentation relating to the takeover bid given that it will contain important information regarding Axens, Heurtey Petrochem and the bid. This press release must not be published, disseminated or distributed directly or indirectly in any country where the distribution of this information is subject to legal restrictions. The dissemination, publication or distribution of this press release in some countries may be subject to legal or regulatory restrictions. Consequently, people based in the countries where this press release is disseminated, published or distributed must find out about such restrictions and comply with them. Axens accepts no responsibility in the event of a violation of the restrictions by any person.