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The project partner you can rely on

  • Building trust for excellence

    Axens is a renowned provider of advanced technologies and solutions, inspiring operators’ trust and confidence thanks to the execution excellence in basic engineering design. This is driven by the combination of industrial experience and an unique innovation culture.

  • A wide and evolving portfolio of advanced technologies

    Axens’ portfolio is covering a wide range of technologies on various domains to produce clean fuels and high value products in the energy industry.

    Thanks to our strong R&D, these applications are evolving in order to meet the energy evolution requirements in several markets such as biofuels, Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), renewable chemicals and plastic recycling.

  • The right fit for your project

    No matter the size of your project, we will propose and implement the most optimal and smartest solution. The long-term relationship between Axens and the industry players is established and maintained through all the project phases, from the optimization studies, design, start-up and finally the follow-up of the plant.

    Project’s targets are successfully met, ensuring the maximum profitability by producing high-quality fuels and on-spec products.

  • Integrated solutions for a maximum efficiency

    To cover all your industrial needs, from start to finish, please have a look at Axens’ integrated offer covering various solutions such as catalysts & adsorbents and services solutions (digital applications, consultancy, training, start-up and operation support).

Innovation in Axens’ technologies

Successful projects for operators

New Delhi, India - UTC+5:30
2 days

Refining India 2024

Refining India 2024 takes place in New Delhi, India from 9 to 10 September. This is the place where international industry leaders, from top executives, to innovative engineers come together to share and learn across 2 days of top-tier content and valuable networking opportunities.


Harshit Agarwal
Country Sales Manager, Axens (India)
Houston, United States - UTC-5
4 days

Gastech 2024

Gastech takes place in Houston, United States, from 17 to 20 September. This conference is the world’s leading forum dedicated to delivering a more sustainable energy future by bringing together the collective knowledge and expertise of strategic visionaries and technical experts to create pathways towards global energy security and a vision for lasting climate impact.

Bangkok, Thailand - UTC+7
2 days

Sugar & Ethanol Asia 2024

Sugar & Ethanol Asia 2024 takes place in Bangkok, Thailand from 24 to 26 September. The place you can connect with millers, producers and buyers from across Asia.


Jeff Caton
Commercial Director – Asia Pacific

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