ERTC 2021
Event passed
Madrid, Spain
Time zone

Advanced Software & Application
Catalysts, Adsorbents, Gradings
Equipment Supply
Drying Series Adsorbent
Hydrocracking Catalysts
Middle distillates & NHT Catalysts
Purification Series Adsorbent
Sulfur Removal for Oil, Gas & Petrochemicals Adsorbent
VGO Hydrotreating Catalysts

Hosted by:
World Refining Association
45 minutes
Panel Discussion: How can the refining industry adapt to be an essential part of the energy mix?

Jean Sentenac
Chairman of the Board
25 minutes
Plastic Pyrolysis Oil Upgrading Process: a key building block to a sustainable polyolefin chemical recycling value chain, co-presentation with Iñigo Ribas Sangüesa (Repsol)

Stephane Fedou
Plastics Circular Economy Director
25 minutes
Paving the way to the future with your Hydrocracking unit

Antoine Lavernot
Business Line Team Manager, Heavy Ends Hydrotreament & Conversion