SAF & Renewable Diesel
As the transportation fuel and chemical markets require urgent shifts to meet future demands while lowering average carbon intensity of fuels and products, the use of renewable & alternative feedstocks will play an increasing role in the game tomorrow.
Axens is actively contributing to meet this future demand for Renewables & Alternatives products by providing technologies for producing high-quality middle distillates (jet fuel and diesel) and gasoline.
The chemicals, road transport and aviation sectors are facing multiple challenges: reducing their dependence on petroleum resources with cost-competitive solutions and addressing today's environmental concerns - sustainability and lower greenhouse gas emissions.
Renewable lipids based fuels are an important tool to address issues raised by policies put in place in order to reduce the dependence of the transportation sector on fossil fuels and to promote the development of sustainable and low-carbon fuels.
The chemicals, road transport and aviation sectors are facing multiple challenges: reducing their dependence on petroleum resources and addressing today’s environmental concerns - sustainability and greenhouse gas emissions reduction.
Axens addresses these challenges through the offer of several technologies able to produce renewable fuels and bio-based chemicals from a wide variety of biomass feedstocks: oils & fats (renewable lipids) as well as lignocellulosic biomass (agricultural and forestry residues, energy crops, woody wastes etc.).
BioTfueL® technology suite combines in a complete and fully integrated Biomass To Liquids (BTL) chain proven technologies from key industrial partners; including Axens Gasel® technology for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis and upgrading.
The chemicals, road transport and aviation sectors are facing multiple challenges: reducing their dependence on petroleum resources and addressing today’s environmental concerns - sustainability and greenhouse gas emissions reduction.
Axens addresses these challenges through the offer of several technologies able to produce renewable fuels and bio-based chemicals from a wide variety of biomass feedstocks: oils & fats (renewable lipids); lignocellulosic biomass (agricultural and forestry residues, energy crops, woody wastes) and also 1G and 2G ethanol and bio-olefins.
The Jetanol® suite is a pathway for producing Sustainable Aviation Fuels by converting ethanol or iso-butanol.
The decarbonization of industries that emit large amounts of CO₂, such as cement, steel, incinerators, pulp and paper, biomass boilers, refineries, and chemistry, can be addressed by capturing and converting the CO₂ into renewable or low-carbon fuels.
This process relies heavily on low-carbon electricity (used to produce hydrogen), which is then mixed with CO₂.
As a result, the final life cycle analysis of these fuels shows a lower carbon footprint. This approach offers a solution for decarbonizing the transportation sector, including maritime, aviation, and both light and heavy-duty vehicles.
Axens offers a comprehensive range of technologies, including Carbon Capture (DMX™, Advamine™), Reverse Water Gas Shift (Carboverseo™), CO₂ conditioning, H₂ purification, Fischer Tropsch, and Upgrading (Gasel®), to convert CO₂ into renewable/low-carbon fuels at low operating cost.
Furthermore, the more stringent specifications are met with a diverse range of products allowing the purification of CO₂, Syngas and H₂. The RWGS and Fischer Tropsch catalysts are protected against poisoning and deactivation.
The bankability of your project is guaranteed through a single point of contact, strong research and development support, and integrated guarantees.

Integrated and innovative technologies and products (catalyst & adsorbents) to enhance the profitability of your low-carbon projects
With a single point of contact, Axens takes full responsibility for the project, improving its bankability.
From conceptualization and feasibility studies to basic engineering, start-up, and operation, Axens is the ideal partner to support your decarbonization projects.

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